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10 Ways to Prevent Flu This Winter Season

This winter, research shows Americans will contract colds at tremendous amounts, up to 20 percent of the population will catch the dreaded flu.

As we've already seen by the Australian flu crisis, this season is gearing up to be severe. Since the southern hemisphere winds down it's flu year, the Australian Immunization Coalition has reported 168.337 influenza cases so far in 2017 compared to just beneath 91,000 in 2016.

Experts in infectious disease state this may be caused by the fact that the flu strain -- the H3N2 -- is an especially nasty one.

"Usually the season in the southern hemisphere functions as sort of predictor of what is going to happen from the northern hemisphere," says Dr. Hana El Sahly, associate professor of molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine.

So experts say it's time to begin preparations.

Although anyone can find the flu influenza and cold viruses spread most readily between October and May. The flu is caused by viruses that change year to year, Dr. Pat Salber, editor-in-chief of The Doctor Weighs In Website, tells Newsmax Health.

"That is why it's advisable to get flu shots each year rather than once in life," the board-certified internist advises. "The best way to prevent having the flu is by getting an annual flu shot. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone over the age of 6 months get the flu shot each year.

"Since immune defenses decrease with age, seniors should get either a higher dose vaccine or a vaccine with an adjuvant than improve the immune response for example Fluid."

Salber notes that the flu is often confused by us with other viral diseases such as sleeplessness or gastroenteritis.

"Symptoms of the flu characteristically come on suddenly and usually include stomach aches, chills, fever, fever and sore throat," she explains. "Colds usually do not cause pain or fever and the flu barely ever causes an upset tummy."

Here are 10 methods to prevent flu and colds:

Wash your hands. When someone who is ill-fated in his or her hand and then touches the keyboard, telephone or other surface, viruses spread. Washing your hands regularly can assist in preventing the transmission of germs.

Steep gingerly. Researchers in Taiwan have discovered that new ginger prevents particular viruses from attaching to cells and also reduce its ability to replicate. Grate a ginger in warm water or tea, or add it to your next stir-fry

Cut back on alcohol. Heavy drinking lowers the immune system also leaves you more likely to have infections as well as complications in the flue or cold. Alcohol dehydrates the body.

Sip tea. Dr. Murray Grossman, an ear, nose and throat specialist at Cedar-Sinai Hospital at Los Angeles, beverages hot tea with honey and lemon to safeguard against viruses. He says that breathing in the steam and drinking tea stimulates the hair follicles around the nose to maneuver out germs more effectively.

Pump up the protein. Many nutritionists believe that diets too low in protein interrupt the immune system. Dr. Douglas Kalman Ph.D., director of nutrition at Miami Research Associates, eats a lot of fish, eggs, and yogurt to keep colds at bay.

Wipe germs out. Gyms are notorious for spreading germs so ensure you place a towel down on surfaces that are sweaty and wash free weights and bicycle handles with antibacterial wipes. The identical precautionary advice applies to everything in your workplace.

Get enough sleep. Research shows that our bodies require seven to eight hours sleep to excite the immune response from our "natural killer cells" which assault viruses.

Take your vitamins. Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, a top integrative physician and author of "Real Cause, Real Cure" recommends taking a fantastic multivitamin which contains vitamin C and zinc. one recent study found that becoming deficient in vitamins D may leave us vulnerable to colds and influenza.

Go Yogurt. In a study published in Clinical Nutrition, individuals who consumed a specific breed or probiotics daily from Greek Yogurt decreased their risk of getting cold and influenza viruses by 27 percent! Aim to eat at least one serving.

Take Time to meditate. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison found that people who meditated regularly took 76 percent fewer sick days which those who didn't. Meditating trains one to remain focused and calm which in turn can relieve stress which makes you vulnerable to disease.

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